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Archive for November 19, 2018

Monday, 19 November 2018 – Jacaraci to Rio de Contas

I’ve already mentioned how green and lush the NE of Brazil looked compared to previous visits. However, there was another change in the landscape: the appearance of wind turbines to create clean renewable energy. As you would expect in the fifth largest country in the world, the wind farms are some of the largest in number that I have seen on land – the seas around the English coast are rapidly approaching similar numbers. Fingers crossed that this positive development does not turn out to have some long term negative effects on nature.  For now, I have to admit that they can be quite photogenic.
Our last stop was for a new Arrojadoa that Marlon is in the process of describing and will call A. paradoxa. My personal disappointment again was that I didn’t make it. The rains had damaged the track, so we had to abandon the cars and walk the last bit, on a very uneven track,  continually ducking & diving to avoid overhanging tree branches, most with thorns. In no time at all, I was on my own as the others raced ahead at, for them, a slow walking pace. Then we reached the spot where I could hear them in the thick growth, but there was also a steep rockface. I shrugged my shoulders and started the long walk back to the car and 15 minutes later, they arrived back, worn out.
I wouldn’t have missed this trip for anything, but it is a learning experience! I think that I can still do them, but at my own pace. The heat is also a factor that saps my energy.
Tonight we stay in Rio de Contas where, in 1999, we helped Brian Bates celebrate his 53th birthday.
Some nice stops as usual, with some nice Pilosocereus
and with many different species of Arrojadoa, this time, A. multiflorum, obliging with flowers! Only one stop (S3686) where I decided that I’m not a mountain goat, but everyone has promised me copies of their best pics – non received yet!
We crossed a railway line several times, a reminder that Ritter was here half a century ago.(S3687)
It seems that the Caipirinhas here are stronger than usual as I needed help from Marlon and others to get back to my room safely. Good job that mine was one of the ground floor rooms! Thank you, whoever they were and see you at breakfast tomorrow morning – it will be interesting to see who shows up! I believe that we all did.